Friday, September 30, 2011

First Salem Hills Chess Meeting of 2011-2012

Opening principles we learned today:

1. Occupy and attack the four middle squares of the board on the first few moves.
Don't fiddle - control the middle

2. Knights belong toward the center
A knight on the side gets fried

3. You can usually tell if a piece is in a good position by counting the number of choices it has.

4. Develop your pieces in this order: Knights, Bishops, Queen, Rooks

5. Move rooks onto an open file (a file with no pawns on it)
A rook can travel for a mile, when it's on an open file

Homework: Place a knight in the corner, on the edge, near the corner and in the middle 16 squares and count the number of choices it has. Do the same with a bishop, rook and queen.
How many choices does each piece have in the corner? In the middle? Which piece is different in terms of the choices? What does that tell you about developing that piece? How does that explain why rooks should be developed last?


Hassing, Connor 504
2 Isabella Mens 317
Klancher, Simon 171
3 Featherstone, John 149
2 Bly, Eliana 145
2 Carpenter, Ryan 139