Monday, March 23, 2015

Results, etc.

Name 23-Mar
Isaac 238
Kartik 229
Tapio 221
Everett 212
Gage 193
Abe 164
Theo 160
Hale 159
Luc 125
Bharath 123
Auriana 122
Cole 115
Amelia 100

Touranment Results
Round 4 Assignments are based on full attendance. Underlined player will be black.
Name Rd1 Rd Rd3 Rd 4          Pts
Kartik W Isaac W Theo W Bahrath A Tapio 3
Tapio W Gage W Luc W Everett A Kartick 3
Everett W Hale W Abe L Tapio A Auriana 2
Auriana W Amelia H H A Everett 2
Isaac L Kartik W Amelia D Abe A Hale 1.5
Gage L Tapio D Cole W Luc A Abe 1.5
Theo H L Kartik X A Bharath 1.5
Abe W Cole L Everett D Isaac A Gage 1.5
Bharath D Luc W Hale L Kartik A Theo 1.5
Hale L Everett L Bharath W Amelia A Isaac 1
Luc D Bharath L Tapio L Gage A Cole 0.5
Cole L Abe D Gage F A Luc 0.5
Amelia L Auriana L Isaac L Hale B 0

Monday, March 16, 2015

Ratings and tournament results

We have started our tournament to determine the Salem Hills Chess Champion of 2105.
The number in the first column is your score in the tournament so far.

Pts Name             Rating
0  Isaac 224
1 Everett 223
1 Kartik 196
1 Tapio 186
0 Gage 175
1 Abe 173
½ Theo 170
½ Luc 150
0 Hale 145
1 Auriana 122
0 Amelia 120
½ Bharath 113
0 Cole 108

Monday, March 9, 2015

Statewide chess tournament this weekend at Breck Mar 14-15.
Sat 8:30-4:30 approx.
Sun 10:00 - 1:00 approx.
Awards 2:15 - 3:30
Call Bill Heinemann if interested at 651-451-8412 or email at gemshein @ hotmail. com

Isaac 217
Everett 197
Gage 182
Theo 170
Kartik 169
Hale 164
Tapio 158
Abe 151
Luc 142
Amelia 132
Cole 116
Bharath 103
Auriana 100

Monday, March 2, 2015

Latest news

Today we learned how to checkmate with a king and queen against a king.

Several people also were able to learn the king and rook vs  king checkmate.
The one in red still have to master the KR vs K mate. Practice between now and next week when I will check again and award ten points if you can do it. If you need help see the chessbybill link to my lessons.

Isaac 206
Everett 176
Hale 171
Gage 171
Abe 154
Tapio 145
Kartik 139
Theo 128
Cole 119
Luc 111
Bharath 111
Amelia 105
Auriana 105