Friday, November 20, 2015

Ratingss and Skill Test Results

Tournament Sat Nov 21 at Metcalf Jr High  in Burnsville. Register at the door before 8:30. First one gets free entry! Tell them you are Bill Heinemann's student.

Name KRR KQ KR 20-Nov
Isaac xxxxPASS 322
Tapio PASS x 311
Kartik PASS PASS 289
Bharath 249
Theo PASS xPASs xx 248
Gage xPASS xxPASS 223
Hale PASS xPASS 209
Alex xPASS 197
Jagger xxx xxPASS 193
Preston PASS PASS x 188
Abe xxxPASS XPASS 156
Thomas PASS PASS 135
Eli x 124
Ethan 117
Luc xxxxxx 105
Michael x 105
Kiran x 100
Stella 100

Friday, November 13, 2015

News for Chess CLub

There is a tournament next Saturday the 21st at Metcalf Jr High in Burnsville if you are interested..
Cost is $22. You will play 5 games. Register on-line at
We worked on a tactic called the "fork".
Name KRR KQ 13-Nov
Isaac xxxxPASS 300
Tapio PASS 287
Kartik PASS PASS 276
Theo PASS 229
Bharath 228
Alex xPASS 203
Gage xPASS x 193
Hale PASS x 192
Jagger xxx xxPASS 162
Abe xx 145
Preston PASS PASS 141
Kiran 124
Eli 116
Luc xxxxx 110
Michael x 107
Thomas PASS PASS 100
Ethan 100
Stella 100

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nov 6 News

There is a chess tournament tomorrow, Nov 7, at Highview Middle School in New Brighton. Be there before 8:30 to register. Cost is $22. You'll play only children in your same grade. It'll be done around 3:30. See for more details or to register on-line.

Today we looked at checkmate patterns: the ladder, the kiss of death, the swallowtail mate, and one back-rank mate. Most of us tried the two rook mate aka the ladder.

Name KRR 6-Nov
Tapio PASS 287
Isaac xxx 279
Kartik PASS 269
Theo PASS 229
Gage xPASS 201
Bharath 198
Hale PASS 189
Alex xPASS 166
Abe xx 145
Preston PASS 142
Kiran 124
Luc x 121
Jagger xx 121
Eli 115
Thomas PASS 100
Ethan 100
Stella 100
Michael 100