Saturday, April 27, 2019

Latest Ratings, Tournament Info


If you haven't signed up yet, you can still register on Saturday before 8:15 at Robbinsdale Middle School Hwy 100 and 36th St N. Rounds 1-5 on Saturday, Rounds 6 and 7 on Sunday. Awards start at 215 on Sunday.
Here are the latest ratings and our statewide teams highlighted
Red - Elementary
Gold - Primary Aarav Salil (est. rating 1000) will be joining our primary team
We have two very strong teams - come and join the team for a fun-filled weekend!

Gr Place Name 26-Apr
5 1 Lennox 1287
5 2 Suhaas 975
5 3 Michael 965
3 4 Anvith 956
4 5 Zachary 874
3 6 Rishik 742
5 7 Sawyer 684
5 8 Thomas 682
4 9 Ashwin 573
4 10 Dennis 566
3 11 Nivrit 543
5 12 Nathan 451
4 13 Faith 413
5 14 Rowan 400
2 15 S.J. 352
3 16 Prithyaa  342
3 17 Theo 333
18 Davida 244
4 19 Ben 240
3 20 Kunal 224
4 21 Pranya 208
3 22 Anshi 174
23 Addy 107
1 24 Samuel 100

And Here are the standings and tentative parings for our final round next week.
1 Lennox W7 W5 W6 3 Suhaas
4 Suhaas W11 W8 W18 3 Lennox
2 Michael L8 W9 W14 2 Ashwin
3 Anvith W10 L6 W15 2 Nathan
5 Zachary W12 L1 W16 2 Thomas
6 Rishik W13 W3 L1 2 Theo
7 Sawyer L1 W14 W19 2 Ben
8 Thomas W2 L4 W22 2 Zachary
11 Ashwin L4 W15 W25 2 Michael
13 Nathan L6 W21 W24 2 Anvith
18 Theo W24 W25 L4 2 Rishik
20 Ben L15 W17 W10 2 Sawyer
9 Dennis H L2 W21 1.5 Kunal
22 Kunal D17 W12 L8 1.5 Dennis
10 Nivrit L3 W16 L20 1 Pranya
12 Faith L5 L22 W17 1 Prithyaa
14 Rowan W19 L7 L2 1 Davida
15 S.J. W20 L11 L3 1 Samuel
16 Prithyaa  W21 L10 L5 1 Faith
19 Pranya L14 W24 L7 1 Nivrit
25 Samuel B L18 L11 1 SJ
17 Davida D23 L20 L12 0.5 Rowan
21 Anshi L16 L13 L9 0 Addy
25 Addy L18 L19 L13 0 Anshi

Friday, April 12, 2019

After Round 2 (updated Tue Apr 23)

Don't forget to sign up for the BIG statewide tournament - the price goes up if you wait too long.
Go to to sign up and have a wonderful weekend of chess with your teammates.
So far we've got:
K-3 Nivrit, Rishik, Anvith, Aarav, Kunal
4-6 Lennox, Suhaas, Zachary, Sawyer, Ashwin
Waiting to see Michael, Thomas, Dennis, Nathan

Here are the current standing and your opponent next round if everyone is present.
I'm not going to calculate tiebreakers until the end of the tournament.

1 Lennox W7 W5 2 Rishik
4 Suhaas W11 W8 2 Theo
6 Rishik W13 W3 2 Lennox
18 Theo W24 W25 2 Suhaas
22 Kunal D17 W12 1.5 Thomas
3 Anvith W10 L6 1 S.J.
5 Zachary W12 L1 1 Prithyaa
8 Thomas W2 L4 1 Kunal
14 Rowan W19 L7 1 Michael
15 S.J. W20 L11 1 Anvith
16 Prithyaa  W21 L10 1 Zachary
25 Samuel B L18 1 Nathan
2 Michael L8 W9 1 Rowan
7 Sawyer L1 W14 1 Pranyaa
10 Nivrit L3 W16 1 Ben
11 Ashwin L4 W15 1 Davida
13 Nathan L6 W21 1 Samuel
19 Pranya L14 W24 1 Sawyer
20 Ben L15 W17 1 Nivrit
9 Dennis H L2 0.5 Anshi
17 Davida D23 L20 0.5 Ashwin
23 Amir H F 0.5
12 Faith L5 L22 0 Addy
21 Anshi L16 L13 0 Dennis
24 Addy L18 L19 0 Faith


Place Name 12-Apr
1 Lennox 1265
2 Suhaas 954
3 Michael 949
4 Anvith 934
5 Zachary 858
6 Rishik 758
7 Sawyer 670
8 Thomas 669
9 Nivrit 577
10 Dennis 558
11 Ashwin 538
12 Nathan 432
13 Faith 395
14 Rowan 388
15 S.J. 344
16 Prithyaa  338
17 Theo 299
18 Davida 248
19 Ben 204
20 Pranya 202
21 Kunal 202
22 Anshi 168
23 Amir 116
24 Samuel 101
25 Addy 101

Friday, April 5, 2019

Our Year-end Tournament has begun

A medal will be presented to the school champion, ribbons to places 2-5 and ribbons for top U500 and top U200 players.


Lennox W 1
Anvith W 1
Suhaas W 1
Zachary W 1
Rishik W 1
Thomas W 1
Rowan W 1
S.J. W 1
Prithyaa  W 1
Theo W 1
Samuel B 1
Dennis H 0.5
Davida D 0.5
Kunal D 0.5
Amir H 0.5
Michael L 0
Sawyer L 0
Nivrit L 0
Ashwin L 0
Faith L 0
Nathan L 0
Pranya L 0
Ben L 0
Anshi L 0
Addy L 0