694 to Silver Lake Rd south 1 blk to 7th then East 1/2 blk
Register on-line and show up at 9:15 or register at the door by 8:30. Will be done about 2:30.
For more details see schoolchess.org I'm planning on being there.
Here's problem #8 for those who want to work on it.
White's turn. Good luck. Hint: in situations like this, it is imperative to stay on the attack - keep the black king in check lest he start attacking you. If Black plays well, it will take 7 moves to clear all of Black's pieces off the board! Numerous hurdles and threats of hurdles limit Black's options.
Name Rating |
Isaac | 683 |
Hale | 669 |
Gage | 589 |
Kartik | 572 |
Bharath | 510 |
Everett | 426 |
Lennox | 373 |
Suhaas | 300 |
Connor | 233 |
Lily | 224 |
Zenji | 130 |
Adam | 114 |
Jon | 112 |
Dennis | 111 |
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