TOURNAMENT RESULTS - click on blue name for photo
Name . . W L D Bef Aft Chg Merit
Kartik 4 2 1 962 989 +27 47 needs 3 for gold
Hale 4 3 0 858 869 +11 48 needs 2 for gold
Everett 4 3 0 602 649 +47 7 needs 3 for bronze
Bharath 3 4 0 546 581 +35 26.5 earned silver
Tapio 2 4 1 524 530 +6 8 needs 2 for bronze
Suhaas 4 3 0 427 471 +44 17.5
Thomas L 4 3 0 417 515 +98 9.5 needs .5 for bronze
Did you look at the results? Here's how close it was - if Tapio had won both his games on Sunday, we would have finished in 7th. If Bharath or Kartik had gotten a draw in round 7, we would have finished in 7th. If Bharath or Kartik had gotten a win in round 7, we would have finished in 5th. If Hale were still on our team, we would have finished in 5th. We were a full point ahead of 10th place, but only half a point behind 5th place. So we are definitely one of the top chess clubs in Minnesota. You should be proud of your accomplishments. Let's work even harder next year and see if we can get one of the top trophies - because the top players also get medals.1. Wayzata Central 21.5
2. Metcalf 18.5
3. Breck 17.5
4. Minnetonka East 17
5. Seward 16
6. MJDS 16
7. Robbinsdale Span. Imm. 16
8. Capitol Hill 15.5
9. Salem Hills 15.5
10. Harriet Bishop 14.5
Also Salem Hills is the only team in the top 9 that does not have 6th graders. So we were the top K-5 school in the State!
For next year we should have an even more powerful team -
Kartik, Everett, Bharath, Suhaas, Lennox, Michael and whoever
else decides they want to become good at chess.
Kartik | 989 |
Hale | 869 |
Everett | 649 |
Gage | 629 |
Bharath | 581 |
Isaac | 574 |
Lennox | 570 |
Tapio | 530 |
Thomas L | 515 |
Suhaas | 471 |
Michael | 432 |
Jon M | 308 |
Theo | 288 |
Zenji | 238 |
Sawyer | 209 |
Dennis | 209 |
Luc | 203 |
Raiyan | 181 |
Charles | 164 |
John S | 160 |
Thomas H | 156 |
Nawal | 128 |
Rigo | 107 |
Jacob | 100 |
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